Quick Hair Cut for Girls That Suit Your Face
Everyone wants a perfect haircut. But if you want to give your hair a style at home according to your wish then you can use these steps to give a deep layer cut. If you have thin hair then by this deep layer hair cut will make your hair’s volume appear more.
3 Step DIY Deep Layer Hair Cut at Home
This whole process of deep layer cut is divided into 3 basic steps and 1 complementary step. [It is up to you whether to perform complementary step or not].
Things Required
- Pair of scissors
- Rubber band
- Comb
- First wash your hair with shampoo and start your work after they get dried.
- Now remove the tangles and then comb your hair smoothly to get perfect hair cut.
- If you have this paddle comb then it will be very easy for you to do this step but if you are not having this then you can also use normal comb.
- Now continue combing and bring your hair in front and near your hairline tie a tight ponytail.
- Tuck your rubber band tightly, comb again and cut your hair up to an inch.
- Always hold your scissors in a slanting way or at 45 degree angle. Then cut hair in short strokes as shown in the video.
- Cut in zigzag manner to give a natural finish to your layer cut. Always use sharp hair cut scissors to cut your hair.
- So in one step you will get long layers as there in the video. If you want, you can finish your work here only because it also gives a nice look.
Now second step is:
- Take the section of hair as shown in video near your ear. Put the upper section into a tight ponytail after combing them properly. Always hold your ponytail straight.
- Cut 1 or 2 inches of your hair by holding the strand in 2 fingers. Now by holding the scissors in a slanting way, cut hair in very short strokes.
- As you increase the inches, your layers will go deep and deep. But it is better to cut up to 1 inch initially.
In third step take the section from the area near your brain. Comb this 3rd section smoothly and tie a tight ponytail.
Make sure there remain no tangles in your hair. Again, by holding scissors in starting way, cut your hair up to an inch, in very short strokes. Hold the ponytail straight.
Complimentary Step
Take a small top section, this top section is also known as crown section. Comb well and carry this section above your head. Cut hair up to an inch. Again cut your hair in short strokes by handling the scissors in a slanting way. If your forehead in broad or your face is wide then you should do this complementary step. To see layers into your hair just shuffle your hair and mix your hair. After this hair cut you may get sharp V base. But some persons do not like this pointed base. Hence to get U kind of base, just part your hair into 2 equal halves. Hold these ends straight and cut them straight up to an inch.
Quick Hair Cut for Girls in Just 2 Steps
Now if you want only three layer cut then you can use these steps:
- At first divide your hair in two parts and then detangle your hair. Separate the upper section of the hair from both sides.
- You have to separate the hair behind your ear and the upper section of hair as shown in video.
- Now make a bun of the hair of upper section. Now you have to bring lower section of hair in front cut up to 1 or 2 inch.
- Cut from the edge of scissors to get a good and blunt look. We will again do this with other part of the hair y bringing them in front. Similarly to give a blunt look, cut from the edges of the scissors.
- Now we will come to the upper section of hair. We will separate the upper section of hair with the help of pin.
- Detangle the upper section of hair and then secure them with the help of rubber band. Tie a tight ponytail.
- Make sure your hair isn’t loose. If you want then you can use another rubber band below it. Make sure your hair is leveled and detangle them properly.
- Now again we will cut up to an inch only this section. Cut them straightly.
We complete this cut in 3 basic steps
In first step we cut the lower section and in second step we cut the upper section of hair. You don’t need a professional technique to cut the hair in this method. You can easily do this at home. Cut them straight. Now remove the rubber band. It will definitely make your hair appear more thick.
Now for third step take an upper section of hair and again detangle them properly. Smoothly comb them. Now tie a tight ponytail with the help of rubber band. Now again cut your hair up to an inch straightly from the edge.
With the help of comb level your hair and cut them straight. Once this is done, open your hair.
Quick Hair Cut for Girls: How to Cut Flick
- Everyone likes flicks. So here is the video by which you can cut flick and it is very simple and easy to do at home. At first, remove all the tangles from back to front and then again detangle them.
- Now take a triangle section of the hair from the front of hair not from the back of hair. Start to take the section from where your eyebrows are ending.
- Do this process from the other side as well. The comb in the given video is perfect for taking out certain section of hair. Its link is given in description box below the video.
- After separating the hair for the flicks, we will tie the ponytail of the rest of the hair so that they may not disturb us while cutting the flick, we will comb the hair which we have separated for the flick.
- We will detangle them properly. Now we have to twist your hair as shown in the video.
- If you want the flicks at right side then twist it from left and if you want the flicks at left side then twist it from right. Now you have to cut in cross slowly slowly as shown in the video.
- You don’t have to cut your flick at one time only. So take your time and slowly slowly do this process because if your hair got damaged from the front then they will take a long time to grow properly. So do this very slowly.
- By this method, a layer style step will be visible in your flick. You can also do this:
First you can cut the hair straight and then cut them in layer style. If you have to go for any party or function then you can straighten your flick.
We hope you liked these quick hair cut for girls. You can read more articles related to Hair Styles & Hair Care at Fashionshala.
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