How To Get Rid Of Skin Rashes?
My skin is very sensitive and dry. The college schedule is very busy, so I can not pay much attention to myself. Facial trials were done in beauty parlors, but they came out with rashes. What should I do?
Rashes may also come from leaving your skin in the sun. You wash your face repeatedly with cold water and keep the cucumber slices in the face for 20 minutes. You should use the alkaline and alcohol products at least. Do not even have facials, scrubbing, steam and bleach in the parlor, it would be better. If you have to do it, then do Aloe vera, cucumber and sandal based facials.
You can put the Fair and Lovely Cream . It works in depth and makes the skin Fair and Flawless. Use only the personal sponge and brush for makeup. Keep repeating sunscreen in 3-4 hours. In this calamine or sandal flavors will suit your skin.